Family Law

Experienced, Compassionate Divorce Attorneys Serving Hampton Roads
How do I find a good divorce lawyer in my area?
We understand how difficult it can be when having to go to court for marital or family law issues. The attorneys at John W. Lee, P.C. have over 70 years of combined legal experience handling over ten thousand cases. We know that people are often put off, hurt and embarrassed by having to talk about personal issues in a court room. Our attorneys are sensitive to this and make the process as painless as possible.
How do I protect myself financially in a divorce?
Sometimes our clients just need good legal advice with regard to family law issues. Other times they need us to counsel them with regards to an uncontested divorce. Other times, when a compromise cannot be reached, we will go to court and fight for our client’s best interest. No matter what type of legal representation you need, we will strive to protect your interest.
Do I need a separation agreement in Virginia?
If you and your spouse are separated or in the process of separating, you should never sign an agreement without having an attorney review it first. In many cases, a separation agreement is final resolution of all the matter in the divorce and you cannot go back and ask the court to change it. Form separation agreements found on the internet and in bookstores are not drafted with Virginia laws in mind. If you sign them, you could be accidentally waiving your rights to pension, retirement, spousal support and more.
Call us if you need a family law divorce attorney in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, York County, Williamsburg, or surrounding areas.
The attorneys at John W. Lee, P.C. offer a free and confidential initial consultation. We will discuss your situation with you and lay out all possible options.
Virginia Contested Divorce Attorneys
A contested divorce is when couples cannot come to an agreement on all of issues and must go before a court to resolve them. Inside you’ll find an overview of information including establishing jurisdiction for the divorce proceedings, what you should know before filing a contested divorce and the process for a contested divorce in Virginia.
Hampton Roads Uncontested Divorce Attorneys
Couples who agree to end their marriage and resolve child custody, support, property division and other issues between themselves might be able to avoid the emotional turmoil that often comes with contested divorces. Click the above link for Information on Virginia marriage laws and the termination thereof, grounds used by Virginia no-fault divorce lawyers, preparation of the complaint and documents required for an uncontested divorce.
Virginia Military Divorce
The State of Virginia has 27 military installations with the Hampton Roads region encompassing many of them. Thus, military divorce cases are common. State and federal laws applicable to service members and their families present unique challenges requiring the services of reputable Virginia military divorce attorneys. We answer common questions concerning whether being stationed here apply as a Virginia resident, special support rules with a military divorce and how military pensions are handled.
Premarital Agreements
Premarital agreements are contracts entered into by couples before they get married that address what will become of their property in the event of a divorce. Most people are not thinking about divorce before they get married, but with high divorce rates, there is a possibility you may be facing a divorce in the future. Click above for information on premarital agreements under Virginia law, voluntariness and unconscionable overview under the Premarital Agreement Act, plus who benefits and consequences to consider by doing one.
Virginia Separation Agreements
Separation Agreements, also known as Property Settlement Agreements, play an essential role in protecting married couples who decide to live apart without a divorce and want to formally resolve financial, property and child custody matters. Read the attached overview of how an attorney protects their clients through the process, terms included, separating without moving out and how using an attorney ensures the validity of the agreement.
Virginia Alimony Law
Also known as spousal support, alimony is ordered with the purpose to keep a party who has been financially dependent on a marital relationship in the lifestyle with which they have become accustomed. An overview of information on calculating support, how long alimony is paid, effect of divorce grounds on alimony, types of spousal support and modification of alimony.
Virginia Child Support Law
State laws impose on both parents an obligation to contribute toward the financial support of their children whether they are married to each other or not, and Virginia is no different. An overview of information concerning determining the income of each parent, using child support guidelines, how custody arrangements affect support calculations, payments for child and healthcare, challenging child support payments and support in relation to college expenses.
Equitable Distribution
When married couples decide to go their separate ways and file for a divorce, the assets accumulated during their marriage must be divided. The above link takes you to an overview of property division under Virginia equitable distribution laws, determining separate, marital and hybrid property, and factors courts must consider when dividing divorce assets and debts.
Domestic Violence
In Virginia, domestic violence is broadly defined to include any act of physical abuse between two members of the same household. Typically this will be an act between two family members, but it can also be between two residents of the same home who are not related. In this article we explain why Virginia is known as a “no drop” state, the complexity of domestic abuse issues, protective orders, the effects on child custody decisions, and how it effects military families.
Step-parent Adoptions
Stepparent adoptions are very common in the USA and can be straightforward if all parties agree. Choosing to adopt your spouse’s child is a huge decision and must be carefully considered. Consult with one of our experienced attorneys knowledgeable on many of the considerations to take into account during the process.